Fitness Das bieten wir Dir: Einen unbefristeten ArbeitsvertragEine attraktive VergütungErhöhte Verpflegungspauschalen bei Tätigkeiten im Ausland und längeren RotationenAusschüttung
: Abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung als Elektroniker m/w/d, Mechatroniker m/w/d oder vergleichbare QualifikationStelle ist auch für Berufsanfänger geeignetKörperliche Fitness und Höhentauglichkeit Eigenverantwortliche
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contractAn attractive salaryIncreased meal allowances for activities abroad and while being on longer rotationsInflation compensation bonus in 2024Company fitness program Are you ready for this challenge
contractAn attractive salaryIncreased meal allowances for activities abroad and while being on longer rotationsInflation compensation bonus in 2024Company fitness program Are you ready for this challenge
contractAn attractive salaryIncreased meal allowances for activities abroad and while being on longer rotationsInflation compensation bonus in 2024Company fitness program Are you ready for this challenge
contractAn attractive salaryIncreased meal allowances for activities abroad and while being on longer rotationsInflation compensation bonus in 2024Company fitness program Are you ready for this challenge
contractAn attractive salaryIncreased meal allowances for activities abroad and while being on longer rotationsInflation compensation bonus in 2024Company fitness program Are you ready for this challenge
contractAn attractive salaryIncreased meal allowances for activities abroad and while being on longer rotationsInflation compensation bonus in 2024Company fitness program Are you ready for this challenge
contractAn attractive salaryIncreased meal allowances for activities abroad and while being on longer rotationsInflation compensation bonus in 2024Company fitness program Are you ready for this challenge
contractAn attractive salaryIncreased meal allowances for activities abroad and while being on longer rotationsInflation compensation bonus in 2024Company fitness program Are you ready for this challenge
contractAn attractive salaryIncreased meal allowances for activities abroad and while being on longer rotationsInflation compensation bonus in 2024Company fitness program Are you ready for this challenge
contractAn attractive salaryIncreased meal allowances for activities abroad and while being on longer rotationsInflation compensation bonus in 2024Company fitness program Are you ready for this challenge
contractAn attractive salaryIncreased meal allowances for activities abroad and while being on longer rotationsInflation compensation bonus in 2024Company fitness program Are you ready for this challenge
contractAn attractive salaryIncreased meal allowances for activities abroad and while being on longer rotationsInflation compensation bonus in 2024Company fitness program Are you ready for this challenge
contractAn attractive salaryIncreased meal allowances for activities abroad and while being on longer rotationsInflation compensation bonus in 2024Company fitness program Are you ready for this challenge
contractAn attractive salaryIncreased meal allowances for activities abroad and while being on longer rotationsInflation compensation bonus in 2024Company fitness program Are you ready for this challenge
contractAn attractive salaryIncreased meal allowances for activities abroad and while being on longer rotationsInflation compensation bonus in 2024Company fitness program Are you ready for this challenge
contractAn attractive salaryIncreased meal allowances for activities abroad and while being on longer rotationsInflation compensation bonus in 2024Company fitness program Are you ready for this challenge
contractAn attractive salaryIncreased meal allowances for activities abroad and while being on longer rotationsInflation compensation bonus in 2024Company fitness program Are you ready for this challenge
contractAn attractive salaryIncreased meal allowances for activities abroad and while being on longer rotationsInflation compensation bonus in 2024Company fitness program Are you ready for this challenge
contractAn attractive salaryIncreased meal allowances for activities abroad and while being on longer rotationsInflation compensation bonus in 2024Company fitness program Are you ready for this challenge
contractAn attractive salaryIncreased meal allowances for activities abroad and while being on longer rotationsInflation compensation bonus in 2024Company fitness program Are you ready for this challenge
of being employed by the client A permanent contract with 14/14 rotation-scheme Company fitness program EGYM Wellpass Are you ready to go offshore? Then send us your detailed application documents
Röhrdanz Fun + Fitness GmbH sucht in eine/n Service Allrounder (m/w/d) (ID-Nummer: 9920171)
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tax-free inflation adjustment bonus in 2024EGYM Wellpass company fitness programPayment of bonuses as well as vacation and Christmas bonuses Are you ready to go offshore? Then send us your detailed
vor Wechseleinsatztätigkeiten Bereitschaft zu Wochenenddiensten Führerschein der Klasse B Höhentauglichkeit sowie körperliche Fitness
und eigenverantwortlich. Du hast technisches Verständnis und bist offen für die Abläufe der Transport- und Logistikkette. Zuverlässigkeit, Verantwortungsbewusstsein und körperliche Fitness gehören zu deinen Stärken
und eigenverantwortlich. Du hast technisches Verständnis und bist offen für die Abläufe der Transport- und Logistikkette. Zuverlässigkeit, Verantwortungsbewusstsein und körperliche Fitness gehören zu deinen Stärken
ist Teil unserer DNA – wir finden „Work is not a place“. Außerdem Freiraum für deine privaten Termine, Kinder & Familie oder die morgendliche SportroutineMach dich krass (aka Gesundheit & Fitness
(aka Gesundheit & Fitness): Jobticket für Bahnfahrer oder Jobrad für Sportskanonen. Laufband zum Fithalten während der Arbeit. Darts, Konsole oder Tischkicker für heißumkämpfte Duelle.Positiv-bekloppter
Office ist Teil unserer DNA – wir finden „Work is not a place“. Außerdem Freiraum für deine privaten Termine, Kinder & Familie oder die morgendliche SportroutineMach dich krass (aka Gesundheit & Fitness
und eigenverantwortlich. Du hast technisches Verständnis und bist offen für die Abläufe der Transport- und Logistikkette. Zuverlässigkeit, Verantwortungsbewusstsein und körperliche Fitness gehören zu deinen Stärken
und eigenverantwortlich. Du hast technisches Verständnis und bist offen für die Abläufe der Transport- und Logistikkette. Zuverlässigkeit, Verantwortungsbewusstsein und körperliche Fitness gehören zu deinen Stärken
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ein unbefristetes Arbeitsverhältnis Büro in absoluter City-Bestlage mit Blick auf die Binnenalster hybrides Arbeiten nach Absprache möglich JobRad oder Deutschland-Ticket Firmen Fitness ein angenehmes Arbeitsumfeld
und branchenfremde Quereinsteiger sind willkommenQualitätsorientierungSelbstständige Arbeitsweise sowie ZuverlässigkeitTeamfähigkeit, Flexibilität und EinsatzbereitschaftKörperliche Fitness und absolute
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in den oben genannten Aufgaben von Vorteil Körperliche Fitness und Schwindelfreiheit Führerschein Klasse B Flexibilität und Einsatzbereitschaft Was wir Ihnen bieten: Einen festen Arbeitsvertrag nach BAP
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compensation bonus in 2024Company fitness programme EGYM WellpassBonus paymentsIncreasing holiday entitlement according to length of servicePotential of developmentShort decision-makingThe opportunity to make a
compensation bonus in 2024Company fitness programme EGYM WellpassBonus paymentsIncreasing holiday entitlement according to length of servicePotential of developmentShort decision-makingThe opportunity to make a